Thursday, February 20, 2020

Deuteronomy 1-18 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 1

Deuteronomy 1-18 - Essay Example It is therefore the Lord has declared man to be His image and glory (1 Corinthians 11:7). As a result, man’s relation to God looks for worshipping the Lord exclusively and complying with all the commandments manifestly described in the Scriptures. Book of Deuteronomy manifestly recounts the bounties of the Lord upon the Israelites, throughout the discussion, and in return requires His worship on the one side, and instructs them to be committed, dedicated and loyal towards Him on the other. Hence, the Biblical teachings in general and the Book of Deut in particular, clearly believe in monotheism, and preach the same to the Israelites that the Scripture does not allow having even the least suspicion about the singularity of divinity or monotheism altogether. The Old Testament (OT) reveals the very reality that since the House of Jacob is the favorite nation of the Lord, the Israelites should be the spiritual leader of the entire world in order to spread the holy message of the Lord to all human beings. Moreover, Almighty God had multiplied them many times from the era of their patriarchs onward (Deuteronomy 1:10-11); consequently, they became equivalent to the stars of heaven for multitude. He is the Lord, Who is actually the God of gods, and Lord of lords, a great God, a mighty, and a terrible, which regardeth not persons, nor taketh reward (Deut10:17). Thus, since Almighty God is the God of all the gods and lords, all creatures are bound to worship Him only, and for seeking His support for obtaining worldly and eternal bliss eventually. In addition, God had promised the Israelites of blessing the wise men among them with power to rule over the world (Deut 1:13-15). As a result, the generations of the Israelites, beginning from King Joseph, ruled over Egypt for several decades till they turned their backs to the word of God, and thus were deprived of their previous

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Processed Food Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Processed Food - Essay Example In addition to this, their taste is almost always consistent. If we look at the process of manufacturing processed food, it can be divided into three basic processes. First is the raw material processing, which brings out the food in the form that is eaten. This is followed by packaging and finally transportation or logistics. Even though it sounds harmless, the process of manufacturing ready to eat meals has negative affects not only on the health of the consumers, but also on the environment. In the following essay, the use and production procedure of hamburger would be analyzed. The essay will show how producing a hamburger is accompanied by various processes which prove to be detrimental to the environment. Cheese is one of the condiments which always accompany a hamburger. Hardly any hamburger is eaten without cheese in it. Hilmar Cheese, a cheese production factory from California, has been in the business for over 20 years. As a result of its manufacturing process, the company has been constantly polluting both land and water. Approximately 2.5 million gallons of wastewater is discharged by the company every day. This water contains poisonous compounds like arsenic, barium compounds, nitrogen and other salts. Such elements are fatal to humans and animals. In addition to this, waste water from factories and production plants leads to two very serious types of pollutions, namely Barium pollution and arsenic pollution. The next component of a hamburger to be analyzed is the hamburger bun. These buns are made from wheat. With resources like land being limited, the same piece of land is irrigated repeatedly and its nutrition is exhausted. Over farming eventually leads to desertification. Since the same piece of land is irrigated repeatedly, it leads to over irrigation. This in turn leads to salinization. The farm land thus, gets covered with layers of salt. Most of the farming done